3607 45th St, Two Rivers, WI 54241 office@sjtworivers.org (920) 794-7300

SJTR Public Worship Reopen

SJTR Public Worship Restart 

General Information

  • Public services will begin on the weekend of June 4-7.
  • We will offer our regular service times: Thursday at 6:00 pm and Sunday at 8:00 and 10:30*.
  • More services may be added if and as needed.
  • We will continue to livestream services via Facebook, and archive them to Youtube and Vimeo.
  • We will ensure proper distancing and cleanliness to the best of our ability.



  • Those who have any of the symptoms of COVID-19should stay home.
  • Those who are at high risk of serious illness are encouraged to stay home.
  • Those who are uncomfortable attending services at this time are encouraged to stay home.
  • You are encouraged to wear a mask, but they are not required.
  • Everyone should practice distancing and good hygiene.



  • Every other row of seating in the sanctuary has been temporarily removed, and in the remaining rows, the middle section has also been removed, ensuring six feet of distance between members.
  • One household will be allowed per pew or section of chairs.
  • The removed seating has been placed in the gymnasium, arranged as those in the church proper, with sound system and large projector screen to carry the feed in real time from the sanctuary.
  • Following these guidelines, a group of 50 persons will be seated in each location for each service.
  • Households are required to register online to ensure that the appropriate number of people are in attendance for each service and in each location.



  • High contact surfaces (like pews and door handles) will be disinfected after every service – with doors propped open when weather permits.
  • A deeper cleaning will be done after each weekend.
  • The commons will not be used, except for passing through.
  • Hymnals and Bibles will be removed from the pews.
  • The entire service will be shown on the screens as usual.
  • Those who are accustomed to following along in Bibles and hymnals are encouraged to bring their own.
  • Baskets will be available in entryway of each worship location for offerings.
  • The elements for Holy Communion will be prepared by the pastors. This will reduce the number of people in the building and the number of people touching the elements.


Before the Service

  • Hand sanitizer will be available at the doors.
  • There will be no hand shaking before or after the service.
  • A trustee will be available to direct, offer assistance, and provide masks as necessary.


  • We will reintroduce public communion the week of June 18-21.
  • Those who do not wish to commune publicly or are not comfortable communing at this time will be free not to do so, with absolutely no stigma.
  • Following the sermon and prayers will be a blessing, announcements, and a hymn. This will give those who choose not to commune the opportunity to leave the sanctuary if they wish.
  • Those who are distributing the Sacrament will clean their hands with soap and water or hand sanitizer immediately before distribution.
  • Households will be directed to approach the chancel one at a time to receive the Sacrament, maintaining social distancing with other households.
  • Communicants will each take a wafer, set out individually on a table and then proceed to the next table to take an individual cup, spaced out likewise on a separate table.
  • Should someone need assistance, each worship space will have a pastor to provide such assistance as required.
  • Should a non-shut-in household request private communion, please contact the office for an appointment and we will commune you here.


After the Service

  • Pastors will not shake hands with people as they exit the sanctuary.
  • Members are encouraged not to stay and socialize in the church or gymnasium worship spaces. This is something that can be done more safely outside, if desired.


Other Items

These and all practices involved with returning to public worship will be regularly visited by the church council, elected to oversee and assure regular and orderly worship.  They will also be altered, improved or changed as new information, circumstances or authoritative guidance present themselves.